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Our products have played a pivotal role in countless studies, spanning a diverse array of remarkable creatures, from coconut crabs (Birgus latro) to majestic red kites (Milvus milvus) and agile cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). The e-obs community, fueled by our technology, consistently pushes the boundaries of wildlife science, resulting in a wealth of publications that testify to the excellence of our materials and the exceptional work of our users.
All publications
- Death detector: Using vultures as sentinels to detect carcasses by combining bio-logging and machine learning, Journal of Applied Ecology
- Advantages and disadvantages of using social information for carcass detection–A case study using white-backed vulture , Ecological Modelling
- Foxtrot migration and dynamic over-wintering range of an Arctic raptor. , eLife
- Using non-continuous accelerometry to identify cryptic nesting events of Galapagos giant tortoises. , Anim Biotelemetry
- The role of human hunters and natural predators in shaping the selection of behavioural types in male wild turkeys. , Royal Society Open Science
- Precipitation and female experience are major determinants of the breeding performance of Canarian houbara bustards. , Wildlife Biology
- Nest‑site and brood‑rearing habitat selection in Canarian houbara bustards: the importance of concealment and food availability. , Journal of Ornithology
- To breed or not to breed: Territory occupancy is predicted by reproductive performance and habitat heterogeneity., Ecological Applications
- Fisher activity patterns show potential for behavioral adaptations to human modified landscapes., Global Ecology and Conservation
- Home range and factors affecting the appearance of the fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) in a human-dominated landscape, Thailand. , Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity
- Free-roaming horses exceeding appropriate management levels affect multiple vital rates in greater sage-grouse. , Journal of Wildlife Management
- Dispersal Ecology of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in Northern Greece: Onset, Ranging, Temporary and Territorial Settlement. , Diversity
- Cumulative collision risk and population-level consequences of industrial wind-power plant development for two vulture species: A quantitative warning. , Impact Assessment Review
- Developmental stage shapes the realized energy landscape for a flight specialist., eLife
- A new view of territoriality in large eagles: the territory pre-exists regardless of its occupants , Journal of Zoology
- Integrating geodiversity in animal spatial ecology: microhabitat selection of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) and European wildcat (Felis silvestris) in a karst landscape., Global Ecology and Conservation
- A comprehensive analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of anthropogenic adult mortality of Bonelli’s eagles in eastern Spain., Journal of Wildlife Management
- The COVID19 confinement revealed negative anthropogenic effects of unsustainable tourism on endangered birds, Biological Conservation
- “Cumulative Effect Quantification of the Spatial Interaction Between Wind Turbines and Birds: A Case Study of Adult White Storks at Eastern Flyway” , Academicstar
- Testing the information centre hypothesis in a multilevel society , Journal of Animal Ecology
- African dryland antelope trade- off behaviours in response to heat extremes , Ecology and Evolution
- How to treat mixed behavior segments in supervised machine learning of behavioural modes from inertial measurement data. , Mov Ecol
- Dublin Hareport: The movement ecology and airfield interactions of resident, airside hares, at an international airport. , Ecology and Evolution
- Smarter foragers do not forage smarter: a test of the diet hypothesis for brain expansion, Proc. R. Soc.
- Thermal and morphometric correlates of the extremely low rate of energy use in a wild frugivorous primate, the Mayotte lemur, ResearchSquare
- Quick-quick-slow: the foxtrot migration and dynamic non-breeding range, eLife
- Experience reduces route selection for conspecifics by the collectively migrating white stork, Current Biology
- The Evolution of Tracking Technology for Wild Giraffe (Giraffa spp.), African Journal of Wildlife Research
- Using juvenile movements as a proxy for adult habitat and space use in long-lived territorial species: a case study on the golden eagle., Journal of avian biology
- Low juvenile survival threatens the Black Stork Ciconia nigra in northern Europe., Bird Conservation International
- Mechanisms underlying the loss of migratory behaviour in a long-lived bird., bioRxiv
- Learning shapes the development of migratory behavior., Ecology
- Use of linear features by red-legged partridges in an intensive agricultural landscape: implications for landscape management in farmland., Peer Community Journal
- High-resolution species distribution modelling reveals spatio-temporal variability of habitat suitability in a declining grassland bird., Landsc Ecol
- Environmental variation structures reproduction and recruitment in long-lived mega-herbivores: Galapagos giant tortoises, Ecological Monographs
- Wintering Greater Sage-Grouse Preferentially Select Shrub Microhabitat Characteristics Within the Home Range, Rangeland Ecology & Management
- Assessing cumulative uncertainties of remote sensing time series and telemetry data in animal-environment studies., Landsc Ecol
- Anthropogenic mortality threatens the survival of Canarian houbara bustards, Sci Rep
- Compromise or choose: shared movement decisions in wild vulturine guineafowl, Commun Biology
- Population reinforcement of Bonelli’s eagle (Aquila fasciata) in Alava-Araba: dispersal patterns, mortality rates and philopatric return, aranzadi
- Fine-scale collision risk mapping and validation with long-term mortality data reveal current and future wind energy development impact on sensitive species, Environmental Impact Assessment Review
- Biogeographical variation in migratory patterns of palearctic breeding Greater White-fronted Geese, Journal of Biogeography
- Age mediates access to landfill food resources and foraging proficiency in a long-lived bird species, Animal Behavior
- A global systematic review of frugivorous animal tracking studies and the estimation of seed dispersal distances, Authorea
- Multi-scale movement syndromes for comparative analyses of animal movement patterns, Movement Ecology
- Experimental food subsidies keep eagles inside protected areas: implications for conservation and resource management, Biological Conservation
- MoveFormer: a Transformer-based model for step-selection animal movement modelling, bioRxiv
- Breeders’ age, nest-site characteristics and climatic conditions but not density-dependent effects determine Bonelli’s Eagle breeding performance: A long-term study (2002–2021), Ornithological Applications
- Home range variability and philopatry in Cinereous vultures (Aegypius monachus) breeding in Iberia, Avian Research Journal
- The price of being late: short- and long-term consequences of a delayed migration timing, Proceedings of the Royal Society B
- Foraging and matingbehaviors of Hypsignathus monstrosus at the bat-human interface in a central African rainforest, Ecology and Evolution
- From Pyrenees to Andes The relationship between transhumant livestock and vultures, Biological Conservation
- Keeping cool on hot days: activity responses of African antelope to eat extremes , Front. Ecol. Evol.
- Reactive response to predation risk affects foraging time of hares, yet not their phosphorus intake, Research Square
- Directedeness, correlations, and daily cycles in springbok motion: from data over stochastic models to movement prediction, arXiv
- Vulture culture: dietary specialization of an obligate scavenger, Proceedings of the Royal Society B
- Timing of departure from natal areas by golden eagles is not constrained by acquisition of flight skills, Journal of Avian Biology
- Resource predictability modulates spatial-use networks in an endangered scavenger species, Movement Ecology
- Time constraints may pace the ontogeny of movement behaviour, Proceedings of the Royal Society B
- Home range of the Dalmatian pelican in south-east Europe, European Journal of Wildlife Research
- Tracking sarus crane movements in Cambodia and Vietnam reveals seasonal vulnerabilities and gaps in protected area coverage, Endangered Species Research
- Conserving bird populations in the Anthropocene: the significance of non-breeding movements, bioRxiv
- Challenges of mismatching timescales in longitudinal studies of collective behaviour, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
- Partial Migration by Great Egrets Ardea alba in Coastal California, Waterbirds
- Home ranges, directionality and the influence of moon phases on the movement ecology of Indian flying fox males in southern India, Biology Open
- Migration routes and stepping stones along the western flyway of Lesser White-fronted Geese (Anser erythropus), Bird Conservation International
- Primera confirmación de que la hubara canaria vuela entre islas, Quercus
- Time-varying effects of local weather on behavior and probability of breeding deferral in two Arctic-nesting goose populations, Oecologia
- Productivity drives the dynamics of a red kite source population that depends on immigration, Journal of Avian Biology
- Home-range Size and Space Use of Territorial Bonelli’s Eagles (Aquila Fasciata) Tracked by High Resolution GPS/GSM Telemetry, Preprints
- The Movebank system for studying global animal movement and demography, Methods in Ecology and Evolution
- Using tracking technology to locate endangered ʻuaʻu or Hawaiian Petrel (Pterodroma sandwichensis) burrows, Avian Conservation and Ecology
- Effects of agricultural practices on foraging habitats of a seabird species in the Baltic Sea, Ecology and Evolution
- Factors modulating home range and resource use: a case study with Canarian houbara bustards, Movement Ecology
- The species-specificity of energy landscapes for soaring birds, and its consequences for transferring suitability models across species, Landscape Ecology
- Habitat selection and space use overlap between feral horses, pronghorn, and greater sage‐grouse in cold arid steppe, Wildlife Management
- Survival of a small reintroduced griffon vulture population in the Apennines: Insights from Global Positioning System tracking, Avian Biology Research
- A guide to sampling design for GPS-based studies of animal societies, Methods in Ecology and Evolution
- What acceleration data from wildlife collars and animal body mass tell us about seed dispersa, Research Square
- Movement strategies for large-scale displacements in Vulturine guineafowl (Acryllium vulturinum), Konstanz: University of Konstanz
- Cheetah marking sites are also used by other species for communication: evidence from photographic data in a comparative setup, Mammalian Biology
- Sex, landscape diversity and primary productivity shape the seasonal space use of a migratory European raptor, Journal of Avian Biology
- Sharing land with giants: Habitat preferences of Galapagos tortoises on farms, Global Ecology and Conservation
- Maximizing sexual signal transmission: use of multiple display sites by male houbara bustards, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
- Personality drives activity and space use in a mammalian herbivore, Movement Ecology
- Don’t stop me now: Managed fence gaps could allow migratory ungulates to track dynamic resources and reduce fence related energy loss, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
- Don’t stop me now: Managed fence gaps could allow migratory ungulates to track dynamic resources and reduce fence related energy loss, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
- Flight altitudes and flight activities of adult Red Kites (Milvus milvus) in the breeding area as determined by GPS telemetry, Jourmal of Ornitholy
- Bird migration in space and time: chain migration by Eurasian curlew Numenius arquata arquata along the East Atlantic Flyway, Journal of Avian Biology
- Vultures feeding on the dark side: Current sanitary regulations may not be enough, Bird Conservation International
- Linking microhabitat selection, range size, reproductive state, and behavioral state in greater sage‐grouse, Wildlife Society Bulletin
- The secret life of wild animals revealed by accelerometer data: How landscape diversity and seasonality influence the behavioral types of European hares, Research Square
- Postrelease survival of captive-bred Egyptian Vultures is similar to that of wild-hatched Egyptian Vultures and is not affected by release age or season, Ornithological Applications
- Short-distance nocturnal migration in an island endemic bustard, IBIS
- Influence of roads on space use by European hares in different landscapes, Research Square
- Balearic shearwater and northern gannet bycatch risk assessment in Portuguese Continental Waters, Biological Conservation
- Ecological and social pressures interfere with homeostatic sleep regulation in the wild, eLife
- An Approaching Motor Boat Induces Stress-Related Behaviors in Proboscis Monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) Living in a Riparian Area, International Journal of Primatology
- A predictive flight-altitude model for avoiding future conflicts between an emblematic raptor and wind energy development in the Swiss Alps, Royal Society Open Science
- Home ranges, directionality and the influence of moon phases on the movement ecology of Indian flying fox males in southern India, Biology Open
- Detection of Karst Depressions and their Application to Study Wild Felid Ecology, Remote Sensing
- M. Dolines and Cats: Remote Detection of Karst Depressions and Their Application to Study Wild Felid Ecology, Remote Sensing
- Time series enable the characterization of small-scale vegetation dynamics that influence fine-scale animal behavior – an example from white storks‘ foraging behavior, Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
- Great egret (Ardea alba) habitat selection and foraging behavior in a temperate estuary: Comparing natural wetlands to areas with shellfish aquaculturere, PLoS ONE
- Physiological implications of life at the forest interface of oil palm agriculture: blood profiles of wild Malay civets (Viverra tangalunga), Conservation Physiology
- Contrasting habitat use and conservation status of Chinese‑wintering and other Eurasian Greater White‑fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) populations, Avian Research
- The Longest Food Deprivation Period of a Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) Recorded in the Wild and Exceptionally Long Nest Attendance, Ecologia Balkana
- Urban habitat use and home ranges of fishing cats in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Mammalian Biology
- Roost site use by Great (Buceros bicornis) and Wreathed (Rhyticeros undulatus) Hornbill and its implications for seed dispersal, Biotropica
- Seasonal and age-specific dynamics of the Griffon Vulture’s home range and movements in the Eastern Rhodopes, Ornis Hungarica
- Spatial Ecology and Diel Activity of European Wildcat (Felis silvestris) in a Protected Lowland Area in Northern Greece, Animals
- Suitability of herring gulls (Larus argentatus) as indicators for detecting intertidal bivalve beds in the Wadden Sea, Scientific Reports
- Timing of spring departure of long distance migrants correlates with previous year’s conditions at their breeding site, Biological Letters
- Arboreal monkeys facilitate foraging of terrestrial frugivores, Biotropica
- Seasonal Patterns in Daily Flight Distance and Space Use by Great Egrets (Ardea alba), Waterbirds
- Marine distribution and foraging habitat highlight potential threats at sea for the Endangered Bermuda petrel Pterodroma cahow, Endangered Species Research
- GPS Telemetry Reveals a Zebra With Anthrax as Putative Cause of Death for Three Cheetahs in the Namib Desert, Frontiers in Veterinary Science
- Environmental and seasonal correlates of capercaillie movement traits in a Swedish wind farm, Ecology and Evolution
- Scared as a hare: effects of capture and experimental disturbance on survival and movement behavior of European hares, Wildlife Biology
- Use and selection of roost sites by Eurasian Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus in Bulgaria, Bird Study
- Drivers of change and stability in the gut microbiota of an omnivorous avian migrant exposed to artificial food supplementation, Molecular Ecology
- Body size, sex and high philopatry influence the use of agricultural land by Galapagos giant tortoises, Oryx
- Female and male Eurasian lynx have distinct spatial tactics at different life-history stages in a high-density population, Ecology and Evolution
- „Long-term lead intoxication of Griffon Vulture ( Hablizl, 1783) supposedly the result of illegal shooting“, Ornis Hungarica
- Using Machine Learning for Remote Behaviour Classification—Verifying Acceleration Data to Infer Feeding Events in Free-Ranging Cheetahs, Sensors
- Eclipsed: Emergence-return activity of two pteropodid bat species during lunar eclipse, Bat Research and Conservation
- Transferring decision boundaries onto a geographic space: Agent rules extracted from movement data using classification trees, Transactions in GIS
- Movement patterns of the White-tailed Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla): post-fledging behaviour, natal dispersal onset and the role of the natal environment, IBIS
- Health monitoring in birds using bio-loggers and whole blood transcriptomics, Scientific Reports
- Using GPS and accelerometry data to study the diet of a top avian scavenger, Bird Study
- Spatio-temporal movement patterns and habitat choice of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and racoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) along the Wadden Sea coast, European Journal of Wildlife Research
- Using GPS tracking for fruit bat conservation, Oryx
- An evaluation of machine learning classifiers for next-generation, continuousethogram smart trackers, Movement Ecology
- Longer days enable higher diurnal activity for migratory birds, Journal of Animal Ecology
- Behaviour Classification on Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) Using Machine Learning Algorithms on Triaxial Acceleration Data of Two Commonly Used GPS Devices and Its Possible Application for Their Management and Conservation, Sensors
- The flight of the hornbill: drift and diffusion in arboreal avian movement, Scientific Reports
- Visual analytics of sensor movement data for cheetah behaviour analysis, Journal of Visualization
- Seasonal dynamics in the exploitation of natural carcasses and supplementary feeding stations by a top avian scavenger, Journal of Ornithology
- Null effects of the Garcelon harnessing method and transmitter type on soaring raptors, IBIS
- Tri-axial accelerometry shows differences in energy expenditure and parental effort throughout the breeding season in long-lived raptors, Current Zoology
- Wind energy facilities affect resource selection of capercaillie Tetrao urogallus, BioOne
- Space-use patterns of Malay civets (Viverra tangalunga) persisting within a landscape fragmented by oil palm plantations, Landscape Eco
- Early-life behaviour predicts first-year survival in a long-distance avian migrant, Proceedings of the Royal Society B
- Road-crossings, vegetative cover, land use and poisons interact to influence corridor effectiveness, Biological Conservatio, Science Direct
- Moonlight triggers nocturnal display in a diurnal bird, Animal Behaviour
- Communication hubs of an asocial cat are the source of a human–carnivore conflict and key to its solution, PNAS
- Overland and oversea migration of white storks through the water barriers of the straits of Gibraltar, Scientific Reports
- Vultures and Livestock: The Where, When, and Why of Visits to Farms, Animals
- Urban Hedgehog Behavioural Responses to Temporary Habitat Disturbance versus Permanent Fragmentation, Animals
- „No clear effect of odour repellents on roe deer behaviour in the vicinity of roads“, Wildlife Biology
- Group size and composition influencecollective movement in a highly socialterrestrial bird, eLife
- Galapagos Giant Tortoises (Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes), Academic Press
- Dust and bullets: Stable isotopes and GPS tracking disentangle lead sources for a large avian scavenger, Environmental Pollution
- Winter movement patterns of a globally endangered avian scavenger in south-western Europe, Scientific Reports
- Changes in plasma oestradiol, testosterone and progesterone concentrations during an annual reproductive cycle in wild Aldabra giant tortoises (Aldabrachelys gigantea), British Herpetological Society
- GPS-telemetry unveils the regular high-elevation crossing of the Himalayas by a migratory raptor: implications for definition of a “Central Asian Flyway”, Scientific Reports
- Seasonal niche tracking ofclimate emerges at the population levelin a migratory bird, Proceedings of the Royal Society
- Impact of tourism on habitat use of black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) in an isolated population in northern Germany, PLoS ONE
- Fruit bats in flight: a look into the movements of the ecologically important Eidolon helvum in Tanzania, One Health Outlook
- Moving in the Dark—Evidence for an Influence of Artificial Light at Night on the Movement Behaviour of European Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus), Animals
- Movement patterns and habitat preference of Oilbirds (Steatornis caripensis) in the southern Andes of Colombia, Avian Conservation and Ecology
- A citizen‐science approach reveals long‐term social network structure in an urban parrot, Cacatua galerita, Journal of Animal Ecology
- Habitat Selection of „Mad Cocks“ of the Western Capercaillies Tetrao urogallus (Galliformes: Phasianidae) from the Fringe of the Range: A Case Study from Rila Mts. (Bulgaria), ECOLOGIA
- Poleward non‐breeding migration of a breeding population: challenging the traditional perspective of avian migration, Journal of Avian Biology
- The spatial ecology of invasive feral cats Felis catus on San Cristóbal, Galápagos: first insights from GPS collars, Mammal Research
- First explorations: ontogeny of central place foraging directions in two tropical seabirds, Behavioral Ecology
- Water Availability Impacts Habitat Use by Red-Fronted Lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons): An Experimental and Observational Study, International Journal of Primatology
- Stay home, stay safe ‐ site familiarity reduces predation risk in a large herbivore in two contrasting study sites, Journal of Animal Ecology
- Better safe than sorry: The response to a simulated predator and unfamiliar scent by the European hare, Ethology
- Rewilding processes shape the use of Mediterranean landscapes by an avian top scavenger, Scientific Reports
- Breeding Brown Pelicans Improve Foraging Performance as Energetic Needs Rise, Scientific Reports
- Northern gannets (Morus bassanus) are strongly affected by operating offshore wind farms during the breeding season, Journal of Environmental Management
- Daily energy expenditure in white storks is lower after fledging than in the nest, Journal of Experimental Biology
- Seasonal grouping dynamics in a territorial vulture: ecological drivers and social consequences, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
- Potential short-term earthquake forecasting by farm-animal monitoring, bioRxiv
- Causes and consequences of facultative sea crossing in a soaring migrant, bioRxiv
- An easy, flexible solution to attach devices to hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) enables long-term high-resolution studies, Ecology & Evolution
- Fear of the dark? Contrasting impacts of humans vs lynx on diel activity of roe deer across Europe, Journal of Animal Ecology
- Fecal contamination, parasite risk, and waterhole use by wild animals in a dry deciduous forest, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
- Scale-insensitive estimation of speed and distance traveled from animal tracking data, Movement Ecology
- Dynamic body acceleration increases by 20% during flight ontogeny of Greylag Geese (Anser anser), Journal of Avian Biology
- Juvenile dispersal in an uninhabited continent: young Spanish Imperial Eagles in Africa, Journal of Ornithology
- The multilevel society of a small-brained bird, Current Biology
- How far do Asian forest hornbills disperse seeds?, Acta Oecologica
- Lek-associated movement of a putative Ebolavirus reservoir, the hammer-headed fruit bat (Hypsignathus monstrosus), in northern Republic of Congo, PLoS ONE
- One size fits all? Relationships among group size, health, and ecology indicate a lack of an optimal group size in a wild lemur population, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
- In the land of giants: habitat use and selection of the Aldabra giant tortoise on Aldabra Atoll, Biodiversity and Conservation
- Seasonal effects of habitat structure and weather on the habitat selection and home range size of a mammal in agricultural landscapes, Landscape Ecology
- Landscape-dependent time versus energy optimizations in pelicans migrating through a large ecological barrier, Functional Ecology
- „Closer-to-home“ strategy benefits juvenile survival in a long-distance migratory bird., Ecology and Evolution
- Music Festival Makes Hedgehogs Move: How Individuals Cope Behaviorally in Response to Human-Induced Stressors, Animals
- Acoustic monitoring of rock ptarmigan: A multi-year comparison with point-count protocol, Ecological Indicators
- Overall Dynamic Body Acceleration in Straw-Colored Fruit Bats Increases in Headwinds but Not With Airspeed, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
- Foraging movements aredensity-independent among straw-coloured fruitbats, Royal Society Open Science
- A validated expert-based habitat suitability assessment for eagle owls in Limburg, the Netherlands, European Journal of Wildlife Research
- Efficient movement strategies mitigate the energetic cost of dispersal, Ecology Letters
- Non-invasive faecal sampling reveals spatial organization and improves measures of genetic diversity for the conservation assessment of territorial species: Caucasian lynx as a case species, PLoS ONE
- Right on track Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research, PLoS ONE
- The Debate About Bait: A Red Herring in Wildlife Research, The Journal of Wildlife Management
- Machine learning goes wild: Using data from captive individuals to infer wildlife behaviours, PloS ONE
- Migration triggers in a large herbivore: Galápagos giant tortoises navigating resource gradients on volcanoes, Ecological Society of America
- How do agricultural practices affect the movement behaviour of European brown hares (Lepus europaeus)?, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
- Fly with the flock immersive solutions for animal movement visualization and analytics, Journal of the Royal Society. Interface
- Cyclone avoidance behaviour by foraging seabirds, Scientific Reports
- Linking colony size with quantitative estimates of ecosystem services of African fruit bats, Current Biology
- Holidays? Not for all. Eagles have larger home ranges on holidays as a consequence of human disturbance, Biological Conservation
- Foraging ecology and diet of Eurasian spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia) in the German Wadden Sea, ScienceDirect
- Animal movement tools (amt): R package for managing tracking data and conducting habitat selection analyses, Ecology and Evolution
- Flyway connectivity and exchange primarily driven by moult migration in geese, Movement Ecology
- Spatial interrelations between raccoons (Procyon lotor), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), and ground-nesting birds in a Special Protection Area of Germany, European Journal of Wildlife Research
- Static landscape features predict uplift locations for soaring birds across Europe, Royal Society Open Science
- Blood Biochemical Reference Intervals for Free-Ranging Olive Baboons (Papio anubis) in Kenya, International Journal of Primatology
- An easy, flexible solution to attach devices to hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) enables long-term high-resolution studies . , Ecology and Evolution
- Habitat selection by the European hare in arable landscapes: The importance of small-scale habitat structure for conservation, Ecology and Evolution
- Food predictability and social status drive individual resource specializations in a territorial vulture, Scienctific Reports
- Diel patterns of movement activity and habitat use by leopards (Panthera pardus pardus) living in a human-dominated landscape in central Kenya, Biological Conservation
- Le suivi par GPS, une méthode efficace pour évaluer l’impact des parcs éoliens sur des espèces à fort enjeux de éoliens sur des espèces à fort enjeux de conservation : l’exemple de l’A igle, Actes du Séminaire Eolien et Biodiversité
- Probing into farmers‘ perceptions of a globally endangered ecosystem service provider, Ambio
- Early arrival at breeding grounds: causes, costs and a trade-off with overwintering latitude, Journal of Animal Ecology
- Coping with intrasexual behavioral differences: Capture-recapture abundance estimation of male cheetah, Ecology and Evolution
- Food quality and quantity are more important in explaining foraging of an intermediate-sized mammalian herbivore than predation risk or competition. , Ecology and Evolution
- Activity and movement of free-living box turtles are largely independent of ambient and thermal conditions, Movement Ecology
- Spatiotemporal variability in resources affects herbivore home range formation in structurally contrasting and unpredictable agricultural landscapes, Landscape Ecology
- Family size dynamics in wintering geese, Journal of Ornithology
- Flight of frigatebirds inside clouds – energy gain, stability and control, Journal of Theoretical Biology
- Intercolony variations in movement patterns and foraging behaviors among herring gulls (Larus argentatus) breeding in the eastern Wadden Sea, Ecology and Evolution
- Estimating the robustness and uncertainty of animal social networks using different observational methods, Science direct
- Queuing, takeovers, and becoming a fat cat: Long-term data reveal two distinct male spatial tactics at different life history stages in Namibian cheetahs, ECOSPHERE
- Einsatz von Rucksacksendern im Rahmen von Uhu-Telemetriestudien, EulenWelt 2018
- Home Range Size and Resource Use of Breeding and Non-breeding White Storks Along a Land Use Gradient, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
- Effects of harness-attached tracking devices on survival, migration, and reproduction in three species of migratory waterfowl, Animal Biotelemetry
- Understanding the ontogeny of foraging behaviour: insights from combining marine predator bio-logging with satellite-derived oceanography in hidden Markov models, Journal of the Royal Society Interface
- From local collective behavior to global migratory patterns in white storks, Science
- The characteristic time scale of perceived information for decision-making: departure from thermal columns in soaring birds., Functional Ecology
- GPS-identified vulnerabilities of savannah-woodland primates to leopard predation and their implications for early hominins, Journal of Human Evolution
- Reconciling the conservation of the purple swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio) and its damage in Mediterranean rice fields through sustainable non-lethal techniques, PeerJ
- Evidence for nonconsumptive effects from a large predator in an ungulate prey?, Bahavioral Ecology
- Condition-dependent foraging strategies in a coastal seabird: evidence for the rich get richer hypothesis, Behavioral Ecology
- Synchronization, coordination and collective sensing during thermalling flight of freely migrating white storks, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
- Invisible barriers: Differential sanitary regulations constrain vulture movements across country borders, ScienceDirect
- Species occurrence data reflect the magnitude of animal movements better than the proximity of animal space use, Ecosphere
- Applying network theory to animal movements to identify properties of landscape space use, Ecological Applications
- Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements, Science
- Thermoregulatory performance and habitat selection of the eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina), Conservation Physiology
- Hunting-mediated predator facilitation and superadditive mortality in a European ungulate, Ecology and Evolution
- Riparian vegetation structure and the hunting behavior of adult estuarine crocodiles, PLoS ONE
- Using accelerometry to compare costs of extended migration in an arctic herbivore, Current Zoology
- Temporal patterns in road crossing behaviour in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) at sites with wildlife warning reflectors, PLoS ONE
- Flying foxes create extensive seed shadows and enhance germination success of pioneer plant species in deforested Madagascan landscapes, PLoS ONE
- Relation between travel strategy and social organization of migrating birds with special consideration of formation flight in the northern bald ibis, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
- Kálmán filters for continuous-time movement models, Ecological Informatics
- Remote monitoring of vigilance behavior in large herbivores using acceleration data, Animal Biotelemetry
- Social foraging and individual consistency in following behaviour: testing the information centre hypothesis in free-ranging vultures, Proceedings of the Royal Society
- Benefits of the destinations, not costs of the journeys, shape partial migration patterns, Journal of Animal Ecology
- Observations of Microtrash Ingestion in Cape Vultures in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, African Zoology
- A landscape of coexistence for a large predator in a human dominated landscape, OIKOS
- Habitat and social factors shape individual decisions and emergent group structure during baboon collective movement, eLIFE
- Classification of Animal Movement Behavior through Residence in Space and Time, PLoS ONE
- Spatial ecology and prey choice of tagged feral cats on the island of Schiermonnikoog, Lutra
- Spatial organisation of European wildcats (Felis silvestris silvestris) in an agriculturally dominated landscape in Central Europe, Mammalian Biology
- Animal movement in the absence of predation: environmental drivers of movement strategies in a partial migration system, OIKOS
- Wind estimation based on thermal soaring of birds, Ecology and Evolution
- Multidimensional differentiation in foraging resource use during breeding of two sympatric top predators, Scientific Reports
- Behavioural adaptations to flight into thin air, Biology Letters
- Possible impacts of offshore wind farms on seabirds: a pilot study in Northern Gannets in the southern North Sea, Ornithol
- Less than slothful, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A
- Preparations of young White Storks for migration flight, Vogelwelt 2017
- Uncovering periodic patterns of space use in animal tracking data with periodograms, including a new algorithm for the Lomb-Scargle periodogram and improved randomization tests, Movement Ecology
- Frigate birds track atmospheric conditions over months-long transoceanic flights, Science
- Long-distance seed dispersal by straw-coloured fruitbats varies by season and landscape, Global Ecology and Conservation
- Ecological Responses to Extreme Flooding Events: A Case Study with a Reintroduced Bird, nature
- The role of the residence-effect on the outcome of intergroup encounters in Verreaux’s sifakas, nature
- Social structure and Escherichia coli sharing in a group-living wild primate, Verreaux’s sifaka, BMC Ecology
- Bio-logging, new technologies to study conservation physiology on the move: a case study on annual survival of Himalayan vultures, Journal of Comparative Physiology A
- Adult vultures outperform juveniles in challenging thermal soaring condition, nature
- Both Nearest Neighbours and Longterm Affiliates Predict Individual Locations During Collective Movement in Wild Baboons, nature
- Scaring waterfowl as a management tool: how muchmore do geese forage after disturbance, Journal of Applied Ecology
- Flexible characterization of animal movement pattern using net squared displacement and a latent state model, Movement Ecology
- Vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) alarm calls to leopards (Panthera pardus) function as a predator deterrent, Behaviour
- Coupling bio-logging with nutritional geometry to reveal novel insights into the foraging behaviour of a plunge-diving marine predator, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
- Strong reactive movement response of the medium-sized European hare to elevated predation risk in short vegetation, Animal Behaviour
- Individual variation in local interaction rules can explain emergent patterns of spatial organization in wild baboons, Proceedings of the Royal Society
- Wintering in Europe instead of Africa enhances juvenile survival in a long-distance migrant, Animal Behaviour
- The challenges of the first migration: movement and behavior of juvenile versus adult white storks with insights regarding juvenile mortality, Journal of Animal Ecology
- Evaluating methods for estimating home ranges using GPS collars: A comparison using proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus), PLoS ONE
- Movement patterns of three arboreal primates in a Neotropical moist forest explained by LiDAR-estimated canopy structure, Landscape Ecology
- Partial altitudinal migration of the Near Threatened satyr tragopan Tragopan satyra in the Bhutan Himalayas: implications for conservation in mountainous environments, Oryx
- Comparison of zozal leukocyte quantification methods in free-living galapagos tortoises (chelonoidis spp.), Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
- Variable allocation of activity to daylight and night in the mallard, Animal Behaviour
- Towards a new understanding of migration timing: slower spring than autumn migration in geese reflects different decision rules for stopover use and departure, OIKOS
- First known satellite collaring of a viverrid species: preliminary performance and implications of GPS tracking Malay civets (Viverra tangalunga), Ecological Research
- Acceleration Data Reveal Highly Individually Structured Energetic Landscapes in Free-Ranging Fishers (Pekania pennanti), PLoS ONE
- Does influenza A virus infection affect movement behaviour during stopover in its wild reservoir host?, Royal Society Open Science
- Costs of migratory decisions: A comparison across eight white stork populations, Science
- Male monkeys fight in between-group conflicts as protective parents and reluctant recruits, Animal Behaviour
- Pronounced Seasonal Changes in the Movement Ecology of a Highly Gregarious Central-Place Forager, the African Straw-Coloured Fruit Bat (Eidolon helvum), PLoS ONE
- Landscape Utilisation, Animal Behaviour and Hendra Virus Risk, EcoHealth
- Besendertes Uhu-Höhenflugmonitoring im Tiefland – Dreidimensionale Raumnutzungskartierung von Uhus im Münsterland, Natur in NRW
- High-resolution GPS tracking of Lyle’s flying fox between temples and orchards in central Thailand, The Journal of Wildlife Management
- Shared decision-making drives collective movement in wild baboons, Science
- Deriving movement properties and the effect of the environment from the Brownian bridge movement model in monkeys and birds, Movement Ecology
- Terrestrial animal tracking as an eye on life and planet, Science
- GPS tracking of Red Kites (Milvus milvus) reveals fledgling number is negatively correlated with home range size, Journal of Ornithology
- The Dominance of Introduced Plant Species in the Diets of Migratory Galapagos Tortoises Increases with Elevation on a Human-Occupied Island, BIOTROPICA
- High-resolution GPS tracking reveals habitat selection and the potential for long-distance seed dispersal by Madagascan flying foxes Pteropus rufus, Global Ecology and Conservation
- Reintroduction of the ‘Critically Endangered’ Delacour’s langur (Trachypithecus delacoufl) into Van Long Nature Reserve, Ninh Binh Province, Vietnam, Vietnamese Journal of Primatology
- AcceleRater: a web application for supervised learning of behavioral modes from acceleration measurements, Movement Ecology
- The contribution of private and public information in foraging by Australasian gannets, Animal Cognition
- Movements, Home-Range Size and Habitat Selection of Mallards during Autumn Migration, PLoS ONE
- Commuting fruit bats beneficially modulate their flight in relation to wind, Proceedings of the Royal Society
- Polyandrous mating in treetops: how male competition and female choice interact to determine an unusual carnivore mating system, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
- Selection and spatial arrangement of rest sites within northern tamandua home ranges, Journal of Zoology
- Observing the unwatchable through acceleration logging of animal behavior, Animal Biotelemetry
- Foraging behaviour and habitat use of chick-rearing Australasian Gannets in New Zealand, Journal of Ornithology
- Foraging Behaviour and Landscape Utilisation by the Endangered Golden-Crowned Flying Fox (Acerodon jubatus), The Philippines
- Oceanic navigation in Cory’s shearwaters: evidence for a crucial role of olfactory cues for homing after displacement, Journal of Experimental Biology
- Simultaneous GPS tracking reveals male associations in a solitary carnivore, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
- Mixed strategies of griffon vultures‘ (Gyps fulvus) response to food deprivation lead to a hump-shaped movement pattern, Movement Ecology
- The environmental-data automated track annotation (Env-DATA) system: linking animal tracks with environmental data, Movement Ecology
- The environmental-data automated track annotation (Env-DATA) system: linking animal tracks with environmental data, Movement Ecology
- Flying with the wind: scale dependency of speed and direction measurements in modelling wind support in avian flight, Movement Ecology
- Distribution Patterns Predict Individual Specialization in the Diet of Dolphin Gulls, PLoS ONE
- Animal behavior, cost-based corridor models, and real corridors, Landscape Ecol.
- Space Partitioning Without Territoriality in Gannets, Science
- Partial Altitudinal Migration of a Himalayan Forest Pheasant, PLoS ONE
- Small range and distinct distribution in a satellite breeding colony of the critically endangered Waved Albatross, Journal of Ornithology
- Vegetation dynamics drive segregation by body size in Galapagos tortoises migrating across altitudinal gradients, Journal of Animal Ecology
- Giant Robber Crabs Monitored from Space: GPS-Based Telemetric Studies on Christmas Island (Indian Ocean), PLoS ONE
- Strength in numbers: males in a carnivore grow bigger when they associate and hunt cooperatively, Behavioral Ecology
- Flying at No Mechanical Energy Cost: Disclosing the Secret of Wandering Albatrosses, PLoS ONE
- Seed dispersal by neotropical birds: Emerging patterns and underlying processes, ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL
- Adaptive Sleep Loss in Polygynous Pectoral Sandpipers, Science
- Using tri-axial acceleration data to identify behavioral modes of free-ranging animals: general concepts and tools illustrated for griffon vultures, Journal of Experimental Biology
- Foraging black-browed albatrosses target waters overlaying moraine banks – a consequence of upward benthic-pelagic coupling?, Antarctic Science
- Accelerometer-informed GPS telemetry: Reducing the trade-off between resolution and longevity, Wildlife Society Bulletin
- Seed dispersal by Galápagos tortoises, Journal of Biogeography
- Coordination of Group Movements in Wild Red-fronted Lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons): Processes and Influence of Ecological and Reproductive Seasonality, International Journal of Primatology
- Seed-dispersal distributions by trumpeter hornbills in fragmented landscapes, Proceedings of the Royal Society B
- Homing Pigeons Only Navigate in Air with Intact Environmental Odours: A Test of the Olfactory Activation Hypothesis with GPS Data Loggers, PLoS ONE
- The effect of feeding time on dispersal of Virola seeds by toucans determined from GPS tracking and accelerometers, Acta Oecologica
- The Secret Life of Oilbirds: New Insights into the Movement Ecology of a Unique Avian Frugivore, PLoS ONE
- Sleeping outside the box: electroencephalographic measures of sleep in sloths inhabiting a rainforest, Biology Letters
- Less than slothful, Biology Letters