Analysis software

We offer many data output formats suitable for established third-party software solutions.

Cellular tags automatically upload data to Movebank.

Data which has been locally downloaded with the e-obs base station, can be manually uploaded to Movebank.

Animal Tracker

The Animal Tracker app allows to follow the movements of animals being tracked by GPS using live feeds in Movebank. Users can animate recent movements, view information about the research project and individual animals, and contribute photos and notes about the animals or their habitat that are sent to the data owner.


Movebank is a global repository of animal movement data with a comprehensive set of tools for storing, managing, viewing, sharing and analyzing animal movement data to start your analyses. It hosts the data from thousands of animals over hundreds of taxa and is a lively hub for networking and cooperation. The data from e-obs cellular tags are automatically uploaded to Movebank.


This analysis tool ( is tailored for e-obs and perfect for visualizing and analyzing e-obs sensor data. It allows you to handle large, multi-year projects with billions of samples and interactively create data drill downs to select key time windows and regions – quickly and efficiently.


Interactive exploration

Firetail’s feature set covers a wide range of problems in movement ecology, conservation and research. With full Movebank support and advanced tools, you can easily visualize, process, calibrate, and analyze complex sensor and event data.

Sensor data interpretation

Acceleration data can be intimidating: Fortunately, Firetail comes with FireSOM, a no-code machine learning wizard for interpreting high-resolution acceleration data. It allows you to quickly assign behavioral states at the project level, with full access to all available contexts.

ML-assisted annotation


Interactive sensor visuals


Oberhachinger Str. 38
82031 Grünwald