Smart sampling
Researchers often need to compromise on the study design as animal size and behaviour limit the technical possibilities. Forest dwelling birds, for example, have very little exposure to sunlight to recharge the solar powered tags and other animals living in burrows spend extended periods without GPS reception.
Therefore e-obs always works on ways to push the limits of what is possible.
Smart sampling by e-obs applies user-definable recording algorithms based on activity, location or energy level or a combination thereof to maximise scientific output and optimise energy management.
Energy-informed GPS
Getting the most out of it
The recording pattern is automatically adjusted based on available energy. Three user-definable settings ensure that the power consumption remains at a sustainable level and therefore guarantees uninterrupted data recording even in challenging weather conditions.
Feature only availble with solar powered tags.

Activity informed GPS
When active behaviors are the most important part
The recording is automatically adjusted based on the animal’s activity level saving power during rests and increasing the sampling rate when the animal is moving. Its both a good indicator to distinguish activity from non-activity as well as valuable feature to cap GPS recording for example when the animal is resting in its den without GPS reception.

Location-informed data collection
When location is key
The recording is automatically adjusted based on the animal’s location to focus on the most relevant habitat or exclude certain sites such as a resting area.