The collar 1AA is our smallest collar. Even with a slightyl reduced tool-kit, it will perform very well, even in harsh condtions.
This collar is suitable for:
The collar 1AA is our smallest collar. Even with a slightyl reduced tool-kit, it will perform very well, even in harsh condtions.
This collar is suitable for:
Animals weighing more than 2,000 g
Animals temporarily in UHF download range
Wildlife research has become complex – too complex for terrestrial tracking and even GPS alone. By intelligently combining a variety of additional sensors including ACC and IMU, you get a much more complete picture of the animal’s life and can tackle much more complex study questions.
e-obs smart sampling allows you to focus on – and collect – only the most relevant data. You can focus your recording based on animal behavior (activity, speed or posture), location (geofence), and other parameters to optimize your data collection, energy budgeting and overall tag performance.
e-obs offers standard terrestrial tracking (pinger) and 2-way local remote download via UHF radio communication with minimal power requirements and high data rates.
Reliability without compromise. It simply must work – always. Which is why we make no compromises and think things through down to the very last design details. We also only use top-quality components to ensure that our e-obs tags last and perform.
Superior UV-protected housing materials
100% waterproof even in the harshest environments
The e-obs tag can provide you with an extensive and valuable data set, and we offer many ways and third-party software solutions to access, manage and analyze this data. To help you work as effectively as possible, e-obs offers data conversion in various formats, download via Movebank and software solutions such as Firetail.
Our goal is to provide you with a tag that not only allows you to monitor your animal, but also to see every little movement and perform detailed behavioral studies. The data collected by e-obs tags provides in-depth information about the animal’s activity – every second, every hour, every day, every month, every year, or even over the animal’s entire lifetime.
Track your animal’s migration (routes, timing), see and analyze stopovers or travel techniques (thermal jumps) and even the smallest movements such as fl ight behavior in thermal uplifts, the crossing of geographic barriers or hunting success.
Accompany your tagged animal over days, weeks, seasons, and years. You will be able to understand its activity at each moment in time, how much energy it spends on each behavior, and perform a detailed behavioral classifi cation. See how it learns, changes and adapts its behavior and see how it powers through different periods.
Oberhachinger Str. 38
82031 Grünwald