Special offer:
Bird Solar Cellular

Skyline Edition

Bird Solar Cellular Skyline Edition

e-obs bird tags are lightweight but incredibly rugged to be able to last for years in harsh environments. At e-obs, we want to provide you a tag that lets you take a closer look – a much closer look. See small-scale movements up close and conduct detailed behavioral studies.


Introducing the e-obs Skyline Edition GPS logger—showcasing a focused sensor suite for essential functionality.

  • Classic sensors (GPS, ACC), features and functions.

  • 100 % e-obs performance and reliability

  • Full cost controll with a data flatrate for the first year.

The Bird Solar Cellular Skyline as part of the e-obs tag portefolio.

A comparison


Bird Solar Cellular Skyline Edition

Optimized features and functions with proven e-obs quality at an exceptional priceperformance ratio


  • GPS in 3 energy dependent pattern
    • GPS Burst feature (short 1Hz GPS) + SUPERMODE with continuous 1Hz GPS
  • ACC in a fixed pattern (legacy ACC)
  • UHF (download + pinger functionality)
  • GSM / GPRS Cellular communication (wordwide 2-way communication)

Bird Solar Cellular

The e-obs powerhouse; the tag for the most challenging and high-end studies

  • GPS in 5 energy and bird activity dependent pattern
    • GPS Burst feature (short 1Hz GPS) + SUPERMODE with continuous 1Hz GPS
    • IMU parallel to 1Hz GPS
  • ACC in 2 energy dependent pattern (legacy ACC)
  • IMU (Stand alone) in 2 energy dependent pattern
  • UHF (download + pinger functionality)
  • GSM / GPRS / UMTS Cellular communication (wordwide 2-way communication)

Features in detail

Dive deep into your data

Our goal is to provide you with a tag that not only allows you to monitor your animal, but also to see every little movement and perform detailed behavioral studies. The data collected by e-obs tags provides in-depth information about the animal’s movement and activity – every second, every hour, every day, every month, every year, or even over the animal’s entire lifetime


Dual sensor data acquisition

As wildlife research has grown and diversified, the research questions have become much more complex – far too complex for terrestrial tracking and even GPS alone.
Therefore information – data – from more than one sensor in a high frequency will be the key. e-obs tag offers GPS and ACC in one tag.
By intelligently combining all these sensors, you get a much more complete picture of the animal’s life and can address much more complex study questions.


Smart Sampling

Researchers often need to compromise on the study design as animal size and behaviour limit the technical possibilities. Therefore e-obs always works on ways to push the limits of what is possible.
Smart sampling with the e-obs SkyLine edition applies user-definable recording algorithms based time, speed and or energy level to maximise scientific output and optimise energy


Differing recording solutions with varying sun exposure and recharging performance.

Multi-path data retrieval

e-obs offers a variety of options for connecting with your animal: from standard terrestrial tracking (pinger), to 2-way download via local UHF radio communication with minimal power requirements and high data rates, to cellular networks for global coverage.



Oberhachinger Str. 38
82031 Grünwald